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What Is Heroin Addiction, and How Does It Affect Friends and Family?

Heroin rehab programs offer complete support and treatment for individuals addicted to heroin. Comprehensive heroin rehab programs are offered at several addiction treatment facilities, including inpatient and outpatient clinics. Many rehabs for heroin or many other opioid medications include a detoxification program in the beginning of treatment. This program relieves individuals from the physical and psychological dependency upon heroin.


People who are addicted to heroin undergo a dramatic change in their moods and thinking as they begin to enter into the inpatient stage of treatment. Because heroin is so highly addictive, people who become addicted through an overdose often suffer from long-term symptoms that cause deterioration of their health and emotional well-being. Chronic use of heroin has also been associated with increased chances of contracting Hepatitis C, HIV and possibly cancer. The vast majority of heroin users do not resort to such drastic measures and end up living normal and productive lives. It is important for people who are addicted to heroin to consult a professional at an addiction treatment facility before beginning any treatments.


During inpatient therapy, individuals struggling with heroin addiction are encouraged to develop a strong sense of self-esteem. They are taught to develop a sense of responsibility and accountability for their actions. There are a number of long-term recovery programs offered by many addiction centers. These rehab centers utilize a variety of treatment approaches, including on-site inpatient treatment, in-house outpatient services, residential treatment, and extended care programs. Many of these centers offer detoxification programs that help heroin addicts to eliminate the physical dependency upon heroin. Get more facts about rehabs at


Because so many people are beginning to suffer from the debilitating side effects of an addiction to heroin, there are now a number of short-term care options available for those who are struggling with the problem. These short-term heroin rehab in Georgia options are often very intense but provide a modicum of temporary relief for those who are struggling. Inpatient care is often the most successful route to long-term recovery, as relapse is kept at bay while inpatient treatment programs are implemented. Outpatient programs are often recommended by doctors, clinics, and hospitals. Those looking for a more intense form of inpatient heroin addiction treatment programs may want to consider the use of methadone maintenance programs, or may even wish to explore the use of Suboxone for short periods of time.


Suboxone is a synthetic narcotic that is used to control and curb the physical effects of an acutely addictive substance, such as heroin. This drug works by blocking the receptors in brain cells that are responsible for controlling and regulating sensations, such as those that occur when taking heroin. By blocking these receptors, naltrexone allows the user to experience opiate sensations, such as euphoria, without experiencing the same level of euphoria experienced when using the substance in its purest form. While on naltrexone, users may experience cravings for their addictive substance, which can be mitigated by ingesting small amounts of the drug. However, it should be noted that continued use of naltrexone will eventually lead to withdrawal symptoms, which can be very serious and potentially life-threatening.


The statistics surrounding heroin addiction and usage are staggering, with nearly 18 percent of American adults using heroin or being addicted to it in some form. Heroin has a highly negative effect on individuals who are dependent, mentally and physically, and has been found to significantly increase the likelihood of HIV infection in both injection-drug users and abusers. There is a great deal of stigma surrounding people who have become addicted to a substance, particularly when those people have begun to utilize drugs to self-medicate an addiction. For this reason, it is especially important for family and friends of heroin addicts to seek Atlanta heroin detox treatment, as the problem often becomes out of control. Heroin rehab is effective and extremely helpful when combined with other forms of treatment for heroin addicts.

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